2. did this opinion article raise/change your awareness about bullying? Please explain 3. Do you think it is necessary to educate people on issue of bullying? why? give reasons to support your opinion 4. do you think bullying should be declared as punishable crime? give reasons to support your answer 5. discuss the article on bulying in a group? does it change your perspective on bullying or not? give reasons to support your answer 6. are you aware of cyber bullying? do you think is worse than physical bullying? why? support your opinion with examples 7. what can young people like you do to prevent or stop bullying? list at least there things you and your friends can do to prevent or stop bullying.
Aku minta maaf, tapi mungkin ada beberapa yang akan saya coba jawab. soalnya waktu dibahas ini, saya ga hadir.. dan saya ga punya file BSE-nya
3. Yes of course.. because, if we don't educate people, this "cancer" can be more spread into everyone.. 4. Yes, because it's included into the Avoid of Human Rights. 6. I think, both of Cyber Bullying and Physical Bullying are same. both of them avoid the Human Rights. 7. in my opinion : - Pray to God, asking help to stop it - Brave to Report it - Being a pioneer for make a change
3. Yes of course.. because, if we don't educate people, this "cancer" can be more spread into everyone..
4. Yes, because it's included into the Avoid of Human Rights.
6. I think, both of Cyber Bullying and Physical Bullying are same. both of them avoid the Human Rights.
7. in my opinion :
- Pray to God, asking help to stop it
- Brave to Report it
- Being a pioneer for make a change