Cant you translite to English ?? lets study and get poin.. "Kota Harapan Indah sesuai dengan namanya yaitu indah . di mana kebersihannya sangatlah terjaga , baik dari segi pemandangan , interior , maupun monumen-monumen yang sangatlah indah . di sana juga terlihat kemodernan bangunnya . perjalanan kami pada saat di kota harapan indah sanggatlah berkesan bagi kami , di mana kami bersenda gurau di sana dan menikmati keindahan dan kenyamanan di sana ."
fildzahkc" City of Hope Beautiful as the name suggests is beautiful . Where cleanliness is maintained , both in terms of scenery , interiors , and monuments are very beautiful . There are also visible modernity downs . Our trip at the time in the beautiful city of hope sanggatlah memorable for us , where we frolic there and enjoy the beauty and comfort there . "
Harapan Indah city or the Beautiful Hope city in english, is really are a beautifull city as the name, The city is very clean, from the interior, even the Monuments. You also can see the "Modern" of the architecturs. Our trip to Harapan Indah city are so great. We have fun and really enjoy the view and the comfortable in there....
Maap klw ada yg sdikit sya gnti kata"nya. sya msh pemula, cma mncoba utk mmbantu,,,, >_<
Smoga brmanfaat...