- watched
- appered
- booked
- closed
- followed
- disppeared
- waited
- recognised
- indentified
- apologised
- liked
- admited
- blushed
- explained
- cooked
- askekd
- enjoyed
- visited
1. En general añadimos - a todos los verbos regulares
Wash = washed
Finish = finished
Talk = talked
2. A los verbos que acaban en - e solo añadimos una - d
Like = liked
Live = lived
3. A los verbos que acaban en consonante + -y, cambia la " y" por "I" y añaden - ed (= -ied)
Study = studied
Carry = carried
Try = tried
4.Los verbos qué acaban en vocal + -y, añaden -ed
Play = played
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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- watched
- appered
- booked
- closed
- followed
- disppeared
- waited
- recognised
- indentified
- apologised
- liked
- admited
- blushed
- explained
- cooked
- askekd
- enjoyed
- visited
1. En general añadimos - a todos los verbos regulares
Wash = washed
Finish = finished
Talk = talked
2. A los verbos que acaban en - e solo añadimos una - d
Like = liked
Live = lived
3. A los verbos que acaban en consonante + -y, cambia la " y" por "I" y añaden - ed (= -ied)
Study = studied
Carry = carried
Try = tried
4.Los verbos qué acaban en vocal + -y, añaden -ed
Play = played