• to be over the moon - być w siódmym niebie
I was over the moon when I won the lottery.
• to be green with envy - zzielenieć z zazdrości
Monica was green with envy, when she saw her boyfriend with another girl.
• to be down in the dumps - być zdołowanym, nieszczęśliwym
After I read your letter, I was really down in the dumps.
• to be a pain in the neck - być nie do zniesienia
Jacob is always causing trouble. He is a real pain in the neck.
• to get the wrong end of the stick - niewłaściwie zrozumieć sytuację
He said he could help her, and she got the wrong end of the stick.
• to get on like a house on fire - bardzo się polubić, mieć silną relację
They met last year in Paris and got on like a house on fire at once.
• to put on a brave face - robić dobrą minę do złej gry
He put on a brave face, but the situation looked serious.
• in a nutshell - krótko i zwięźle; w pigułce
We have little time, so I'll put it in a nutshell: do it faster!
• to add insult to injury -pogarszać sprawę
He didn't come and then, to add insult to injury, he lied to me.
• to spend money like water - wydawać pieniądze lekką ręką
You can't spend money like water!
• to be plain sailing - nie być niczym trudnym
The whole test was plain sailing!
• not to have the foggiest idea - nie mieć najmniejszego pojęcia
I don't have the foggiest idea here they are.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Verified answer
• to be over the moon - być w siódmym niebie
I was over the moon when I won the lottery.
• to be green with envy - zzielenieć z zazdrości
Monica was green with envy, when she saw her boyfriend with another girl.
• to be down in the dumps - być zdołowanym, nieszczęśliwym
After I read your letter, I was really down in the dumps.
• to be a pain in the neck - być nie do zniesienia
Jacob is always causing trouble. He is a real pain in the neck.
• to get the wrong end of the stick - niewłaściwie zrozumieć sytuację
He said he could help her, and she got the wrong end of the stick.
• to get on like a house on fire - bardzo się polubić, mieć silną relację
They met last year in Paris and got on like a house on fire at once.
• to put on a brave face - robić dobrą minę do złej gry
He put on a brave face, but the situation looked serious.
• in a nutshell - krótko i zwięźle; w pigułce
We have little time, so I'll put it in a nutshell: do it faster!
• to add insult to injury -pogarszać sprawę
He didn't come and then, to add insult to injury, he lied to me.
• to spend money like water - wydawać pieniądze lekką ręką
You can't spend money like water!
• to be plain sailing - nie być niczym trudnym
The whole test was plain sailing!
• not to have the foggiest idea - nie mieć najmniejszego pojęcia
I don't have the foggiest idea here they are.