October 2018 2 42 Report

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Before 1848 California was a quiet place with a population of just 20,000 people,. Then, on 24th January 1848, a man called James Marshall Saw something shiny in a river in a place called Sutter’s Fort. He showed it to his friends. Then he showed John Sutter, his boss. Soon, all Sutter’s workers knew about it.

A man called Sam Brennan heard about the gold and opened a new store. He wanted to sell the tools that people needed to look for gold. He just needed customers. In may 1848, he filled a bottle with gold dust and ran through the streets of San Francisco shouting ‘Gold! Gold! Gold from the American River!’

Everyone in San Francisco left their jobs and became gold diggers. San Francisco was al most empty. In August 1848 the Governor of California sent some gold to the President of the USA. When the people of New York saw the gold, the gold rush really began. Be 1850 the population of California was 100,000.

Some found a lot of gold, but others weren’t so lucky. And what happener to Sam Brennan and James Marshall? One of them became a millionaire but the other man didn’t. Can you who became a millionaire?

a) A good business idea.

b) After it all finished/

c) How it all started.

d) The wrong way to look for gold.

e) The whole country hears the news.

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