byla bym wdzieczna za przetlumaczenie tych zdan bo sama nie dam rady ... :D 1. gdybym byl baba jaga, mialbym slodki domek w lesie 2. czy nowe odkrycie zostalo opisane w czasopismie ? 3. jesli bedziesz krzyczal, nie pojdziesz do kina 4. wszystkie obrazy sa namalowane przez marte 5. juz lekcje zostaly odrobione
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.when I was baba jaga i would have a sweet cottage in the woods
2. Is a new discovery has already been written in the newspaper?
3. If yu cried, you don't go to the cinema
4. All paintings are painted from Marta
5. lessons have been recuperated
1. When I was Baba-Jaga, I would have a sweety house in the forest.
2. Has a new discovery been described in a magazine?
3. If you scream, you won't go to the cinema.
4. All paintings are painted by Martha.
5. Homework has been done.