Potrzebuje e-mail . nigdy nie umiem dobrać dobrych czasów . ;/
Byłaś na spotkaniu rodzinnym, były na nim wszystkie pokolenia twojej rodziny. - wyjaśnij, z jakiej okazji doszło do spotkania, - poinformuj, gdzie odbyło się i kto był zaproszony, - opisz jakieś niespodziewane zdarzenie i jego skutki, - jak wróciłeś do domu i jak się czułeś .?
Z góry dziękii ; )
Hi Mike, How are you doing? I'm writing to tell you that I took part in a family reunion. There were all our generations. My grandmother decided to organise a family reunion because she is dying and she wanted to see all family together for the last time. I helped her with arranging this meeting. It took place in my grandma's house. All generation, which live of course, were invitet. Not everyone came, but there were a lot of people. When we all were sitting in the living room, my dog run to the kitchen and ate all food! We had nothing to eat. It was horrible. I was very mad about him. After a while, guests were going home because it was getting dark. I came home whith my mum by car. I was so tired, that I went immidiatelly to bed. Write me soon, love xyz
How are you doing? I'm writing to tell you that I took part in a family reunion. There were all our generations.
My grandmother decided to organise a family reunion because she is dying and she wanted to see all family together for the last time. I helped her with arranging this meeting.
It took place in my grandma's house. All generation, which live of course, were invitet. Not everyone came, but there were a lot of people.
When we all were sitting in the living room, my dog run to the kitchen and ate all food! We had nothing to eat. It was horrible. I was very mad about him. After a while, guests were going home because it was getting dark.
I came home whith my mum by car. I was so tired, that I went immidiatelly to bed.
Write me soon,