1 . Z podanych wyrazów utwórz pytanie : Why/you/ like/computer games ? your brother /often /play basketball ? where/ben and Jim/ live ? why/our teacher / always / give us homework on Friends ? you friend /go to school /by bus ? 2. Zapytaj o podkreśloną część zdania 1.The class plays football (podkreślony wyraz to football) 2.I go to school five days a week (podkreślony wyraz to to school) 3.Przetłumacz 1. Gdzie mieszka twój przyjaciel 2. Ile czasu trwa ten film 3.Kiedy chodzisz do kina 4. W jakiej cenie są bilety dla dorosłych 5. Ten film trwa półtorej godziny 4.Do twojej szkoły przyjechali na wymianę uczniowie z anglii . Wraz z kilkoma przyjaciółmi ,prowadzicie klub taneczny.Chcecie zachecic uczniów z wymiany do przyłącznia się do waszego klubu. Napisz ogłoszenie w którym : zachęcisz ich do wstąpienia do waszego klubu podasz jak często i gdzie sie spotykacie wyjaśnisz co robicie na spotkaniach klubu poinformujesz jak sie z wami skontaktować
ATTENTION! School dancing club is inviting students from exchange to sign to our club! We're having great fun on our meetings and we want to share it with you!
We're meeting once a week at 14:00 in class number 111. We're dancing and just having fun. We're not only dancers, we're friends too! Join to us and become our friend by concacting us through email [email protected]!
Why do you like computer games?
Does your brother often play basketball?
Where do Ben and Jim live?
Why does our teacher always give us homework?
Does your friend go to school by bus?
What do class play in?
Where do you go five days a week?
Where does your friend live?
How long does this movie last?
When are you walking to cinema?
How much do tickets for adults cost?
This movie lasts half hour.
Why do you like computer games?
Does your brother often play basketball?
Where do Ben and Jim live?
Why does our teacher always give us homework?
Does your friend go to school by bus?
What do class play in?
Where do you go five days a week?
Where does your friend live?
How long does this movie last?
When are you walking to cinema?
How much do tickets for adults cost?
This movie lasts half hour.
ATTENTION! School dancing club is inviting students from exchange to sign to our club! We're having great fun on our meetings and we want to share it with you!
We're meeting once a week at 14:00 in class number 111. We're dancing and just having fun. We're not only dancers, we're friends too! Join to us and become our friend by concacting us through email [email protected]!