November 2018 2 17 Report
Ludzie bardzo was prosze pomocy!!!
Zad.1zakreśl odpowiednie wyrazy.
np. I like cycling but / or I haven't got a bike.
1. My dad is into drawing and / but watching films on TV.
2. Laura has got her laptop and / but she hasn't got her mobile phone.
3. Do you prefer cycling but / or running?
4. I' ve got two hobbies - tennis and / or swimming.
5. I' m not bad about computer games but / or chatting on the internet.
6. I can't stand sport or / but I like art.

Zad.2 Uzupełnij zdania.
np. I' ve got two white cats and a black dog.
1. She's interested in photography but .
2. We're into Manga comisc and .
3. I'm not mad about rock or .
4. Peter hasn't got a sister but .
5. Do you prefer blue or ________________.
6. He's mad about skiing and _______________.
7. I'm not interested in classical music or ___________________.

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