Buatlah story hidup dari mulai lahir, sekolah TK, umur 7 tahun sampai smp kls 7
I was born on 19th of March 2000. when i was born, i couldn't see and do anything. all i could is just crawl and cry. but then, my mother teached me to walk and talk. until i could do it by my self. when i was 5 years old, my mother took me to a glaygroup for me to start my life to be a student. when i was 6 years old,i quit from my playgroup and continued in an elementary school where my mother worked, yes, my mother was a teacher. i have got a lot of friends and good experiences there. i studied in the elementary school for 6 years, as how it should be. after i have finished my study there, i continued to a junior high school in my town and be a 7th grade student. it was very fun and i'm very happy on my life joourney.
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maaf, kayaknya grammarnya banyak yang salah. aq gak terlalu menguasai grammar soalnya.
I was born in west java, subang. My name is Taqiyyan. my friends call me qiyyan. i live on perumnas raya street. when i was still in kindergarten me always study with hard. so, i am can got number one. my kindergarten friends is friendly i like them. when i am seven years old i am so happy although me children still. in elementary school, i am so not happy because a few of my friends is naughty. a few anymore good. continue, i am was seventh grade junior high school in smpn four subang, i am not happy too same like in the elementary school a few of my friends is naughty. in fact, in smp 4 more bad. the girl is naughty too but i am must be patient. in every moment, there are benefit too