Buatlah minimal 2 pertanyaan beserta jawabannya dari kalimat berikut: Long years ago, Young Banyan Tree complained to the Old Banyan Tree about his small role to help other creatures in the jungle. Every morning and daytime, he had to inhale dirty air and with the help of sun, he had to spread fresh air for the animals to breath. He had to prepare his thick leaves to prepare the place for birds to make their nest and for other animals to take shelter under him.
Jawab cepat besok dikumpul, poinnya lumayan
- what young banyan tree complained to old banyan tree? = young banyan tree complained about his small role to help other creatures in the jungle - what he prepared for the bird? = He had to prepare his thick leaves to prepare the place for birds to make their nest and for other animals to take shelter under him.
= young banyan tree complained about his small role to help other creatures in the jungle
- what he prepared for the bird?
= He had to prepare his thick leaves to prepare the place for birds to make their nest and for other animals to take shelter under him.