Buatlah 5 kalimat tentang jakarta pakai bahasa inggris
Jakarta is a beautifull city. jakarta is a capital city of indonesia. there are much thing can we meet. and in jakarta we can find all that we search. in jakarta there are towards much recreation place.
jakarta adl kota yg indah. jkrta adlh ibukota indonesia . disana banyk hal bisa kita temui. dan dijakarta we can menemukan semua yg kita cri. di jakarta ada terdapt bnyk tmpt rekreasi
1. Jakarta is a crowded city 2. Jakarta is capital city of Indonesia 3. Many people live in Jakarta 4. Kicir-kicir is folk song from Jakarta 5. Monas is one of the destination for holiday in Jakarta
smga sdkt membantu
2. Jakarta is capital city of Indonesia
3. Many people live in Jakarta
4. Kicir-kicir is folk song from Jakarta
5. Monas is one of the destination for holiday in Jakarta