She crossed over the bridge by motorcycle last night (ia menyebrangi jembatan dengan sepeda motor kemarin malam)I sent you a letter a month ago (aku mengirimimu sebuah surat sebulan yang lalu)They left me alone in the middle of the jungle yesterday (mereka meninggalkan aku di tengah hutan kemarin)Michael Jackson sang in his last concert at 2011 (Michael Jackson bernyanyi di konser terakhirnya pada tahun 2011).My mother cooked fried chicken for my birthday party last week (Ibuku memasak ayam goring untuk acara ultahku minggu yang lalu)Jokowi won the president election several months ago (Jokowi memenangkan pemilihan president beberapa tahun yang lalu)I tried to call you yesterday, but no one picked up my phone (Aku mencoba menghubungimu kemarin, tapi tidak seorang pun yang mengangkat telphon)I get a headache because I worked full time yesterday (aku sakit kepala karena aku bekerja penuh waktu kemarin)I and my family moved to Los Angles last month (Aku dan keluargaku pindah ke LA bulan lalu).I would help you if I had much spare time (Aku ingin membantumu seandainya aku punya waktu luang.
1.Herman sent me a letter yesterday 2.they brought a book last night 3.she didn't come to the party last night. 4.anisa bought some vegetables at the market last week 5.yoga didnot understand about the lesson one minute ago 6.he told a story last night 7.they wore good clothes last night 8.Amin drove his bicycle last year 9.Aman gave more information about english yesterday 10.diky went to medan last night
(ia menyebrangi jembatan dengan sepeda motor kemarin malam)I sent you a letter a month ago
(aku mengirimimu sebuah surat sebulan yang lalu)They left me alone in the middle of the jungle yesterday
(mereka meninggalkan aku di tengah hutan kemarin)Michael Jackson sang in his last concert at 2011
(Michael Jackson bernyanyi di konser terakhirnya pada tahun 2011).My mother cooked fried chicken for my birthday party last week
(Ibuku memasak ayam goring untuk acara ultahku minggu yang lalu)Jokowi won the president election several months ago
(Jokowi memenangkan pemilihan president beberapa tahun yang lalu)I tried to call you yesterday, but no one picked up my phone
(Aku mencoba menghubungimu kemarin, tapi tidak seorang pun yang mengangkat telphon)I get a headache because I worked full time yesterday
(aku sakit kepala karena aku bekerja penuh waktu kemarin)I and my family moved to Los Angles last month
(Aku dan keluargaku pindah ke LA bulan lalu).I would help you if I had much spare time
(Aku ingin membantumu seandainya aku punya waktu luang.
2.they brought a book last night
3.she didn't come to the party last night.
4.anisa bought some vegetables at the market last week
5.yoga didnot understand about the lesson one minute ago
6.he told a story last night
7.they wore good clothes last night
8.Amin drove his bicycle last year
9.Aman gave more information about english yesterday
10.diky went to medan last night