Buatin cerita bahasa inggris tentang liburan yg ada kalimat 'will' dan 'can' (minimal 5 will&can)
Tomorrow , I will start my holiday . A long holiday that will make me bored for sure. But , it won't happen because I will hang out with my friends,going to the zoo with my family , and visit my grandpa's house. I will take my summer course too of course . I hope this holiday would be the best holiday ever!
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Klo pgn buat sendiri rumusnya Rumus penggunaan will/shall (+) S + will/shall + Verb 1 + O + K ( - ) S + will/shall + not + verb 1 + o + K Rumus penggunaan modals ( can, may, must dll) (+) S + modals 1 (can may, must shall, will) / modals 2+ verb 1 + O +K ( - ) S + modals 1/modals 2 + not + verb 1 + O +K
Rumus penggunaan will/shall
(+) S + will/shall + Verb 1 + O + K
( - ) S + will/shall + not + verb 1 + o + K
Rumus penggunaan modals ( can, may, must dll)
(+) S + modals 1 (can may, must shall, will) / modals 2+ verb 1 + O +K
( - ) S + modals 1/modals 2 + not + verb 1 + O +K