His/her name He/she was born at (.......) on (.......) He/she is (...) years old. He/she graduated from (junior high school/elementary school) (....) years ago. his/her hobby His/her favorite food/ drink/ colour his/her father/mother/brother/sister's name .... his/her father/mother's job
0 votes Thanks 1
thanks ..How about if we make it like a questions of multiple choice ?
She smiled with her THIN LIPS . Her hair was fall because she looked of her phone.
He/she was born at (.......) on (.......)
He/she is (...) years old.
He/she graduated from (junior high school/elementary school) (....) years ago.
his/her hobby
His/her favorite food/ drink/ colour
his/her father/mother/brother/sister's name ....
his/her father/mother's job
Her hair was fall because she looked of her phone.