Buat 5 kalimat bahasa inggris masing- masing dari 5 kata(1 kalimat 1 kata) dari kata: trickster;cross;devil;forbidden;turnip;pumpkin
1. The trickster is someone who can trick you and have a thousand of trick 2. The grandma was helped by the good boy to cross the road 3. Devil is a bad creature that do bad things and gain something with the bad way 4. Steal is one of the forbidden way to earn money 5. Turnip is one of the vegetables that have many benefit 6. Pumpkin usually being used or crafted when Halloween come
2. The grandma was helped by the good boy to cross the road
3. Devil is a bad creature that do bad things and gain something with the bad way
4. Steal is one of the forbidden way to earn money
5. Turnip is one of the vegetables that have many benefit
6. Pumpkin usually being used or crafted when Halloween come