TOLONG BAHASA Inggris in dong? dilarang mengamen -----//---- pemulung -----//---- juru parkir liar -----//---- pedagang naik bus -----//---- stop -----//----parkir -----//---- menginjak rumput -----//---- makan -----//----membawa senjata tajam -----//----membawa tas -----//----buang sampah sembarangan SAMA CERITA INI YA,PLEASE!!! candi borobudur terletak didesa borobudur,kecamatan borobudur,kabupaten magelang,provinsi jawa tengah.candi borobudur didirikan diatas sebuah bukit pada ketinggian 265 m diatas permukaan laut atau berada 15 m diatas daratan sekitarnya . bangunan candi borobudur berbentuk limas berundak dan apabila dilihat dari atas merupakan suatu bujur sangkar.secara keseluruhan bangunan candi borobudur terdiri dari 10 tingkat atau lantai yg masing-masing tingkat memiliki maksud tersendiri.candi borobudur dapak dibagi menjadi 3 bagian yg terdiri dari kaki atau bagian bawah,tubuh sebagai pusat,dan puncak. fungsi candi borobudur yaitu: 1.tempak sembayang atau tempat beribadat bagi imat budha 2.merupakan lambang suci bagi umat budha 3.tanda peringatan dan penghormatan bagi sang budha. KALAU ADA YG BISA MENJAWAB PERTANYAAIN INI,AKU SANGAT BERTERIMAKASIH
26Syifaabanned from singing ----- // ---- Scavengers ----- // ---- Illegal parking attendants ----- // ---- Traders ride the bus ----- // ---- Stop ----- // ---- parking ----- // ---- Stepping on the grass ----- // ---- Eat ----- // ---- carrying weapons ----- // ---- carry bag ----- // ---- littering Ceritanyaa : Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur, sub Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java province. Borobudur Temple was built on a hill at an altitude of 265 m above sea level, or is 15 m above the surrounding plains. Borobudur temple pyramid-shaped building with staircase and when viewed from the top of a square. overall building Borobudur temple consists of 10 levels or floors that each - each level has its own purpose. Borobudur temple can be divided into 3 parts yangg consists of feet or lower, as the central body, and the peak. Borobudur temple functions, namely: 1. sembayang place or a place of worship for Buddhists clauses 2. a symbol sacred to Buddhist 3. The warning signs and respect for the Buddha.
Semoga Membantu ^_^
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Prohibited from singing, scavenger prohibited, banned illegal parking attendants, merchants are prohibited on the bus, forbidden stop, parking is prohibited, forbidden to step on the grass, eating forbidden, prohibited from carrying weapons, prohibited from carrying bag, prohibited litter
Borobudur Borobudur temple located village, subdistrict of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Java province tengah.candi Borobudur was built on a hill at an altitude of 265 m above sea level, or is 15 m above the surrounding plains.Borobudur temple pyramid-shaped building with staircase and when viewed from above is an overall sangkar.secara longitude Borobudur temple building consists of 10 levels or floors that each level has a purpose tersendiri.candi dapak Borobudur is divided into three sections which consist of feet or lower , the body as the center, and the peak.Borobudur temple functions, namely:1.tempak sembayang or place of worship for Buddhists clauses2.merupakan symbol sacred to Buddhist3.tanda warning and reverence for the Buddha.
----- // ---- Scavengers
----- // ---- Illegal parking attendants
----- // ---- Traders ride the bus
----- // ---- Stop
----- // ---- parking
----- // ---- Stepping on the grass
----- // ---- Eat
----- // ---- carrying weapons
----- // ---- carry bag
----- // ---- littering
Ceritanyaa :
Borobudur temple is located in the village of Borobudur, sub Borobudur, Magelang regency, Central Java province. Borobudur Temple was built on a hill at an altitude of 265 m above sea level, or is 15 m above the surrounding plains.
Borobudur temple pyramid-shaped building with staircase and when viewed from the top of a square. overall building Borobudur temple consists of 10 levels or floors that each - each level has its own purpose. Borobudur temple can be divided into 3 parts yangg consists of feet or lower, as the central body, and the peak.
Borobudur temple functions, namely:
1. sembayang place or a place of worship for Buddhists clauses
2. a symbol sacred to Buddhist
3. The warning signs and respect for the Buddha.
Semoga Membantu ^_^
Borobudur Borobudur temple located village, subdistrict of Borobudur, Magelang regency, Java province tengah.candi Borobudur was built on a hill at an altitude of 265 m above sea level, or is 15 m above the surrounding plains.Borobudur temple pyramid-shaped building with staircase and when viewed from above is an overall sangkar.secara longitude Borobudur temple building consists of 10 levels or floors that each level has a purpose tersendiri.candi dapak Borobudur is divided into three sections which consist of feet or lower , the body as the center, and the peak.Borobudur temple functions, namely:1.tempak sembayang or place of worship for Buddhists clauses2.merupakan symbol sacred to Buddhist3.tanda warning and reverence for the Buddha.