September 2018 1 64 Report

1. Napisz wypracowanie na j.polski na temat zawarty w ćwiczeniach: Mój autorytet- wzór do naśladowania.

2. Napisz jak najwięcej cyfr po liczbie (pi)

3. Napisz wzór do obliczenia energii kinetycznej i potencjalnej

4.Zaprojektój swoją gazetkę szkolną: min 20stron a4, czcionka Ariel 18--> ilustracje, informacje(GAZETA)

5. Co odczuwała zona leksego po stracie męża?

6. Polacy, Niemcy --> Co ich łączy a co dzieli

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Mam tu dialog po angielsku. Poprawcie błędy. Nawet jak zauważycie, że brakuje jednej literki! Jak? Np: I love hi! - I love him! Daje dużo punktów, więc wymagam :) ------------------------------------------------------------ S- Hello, good to see you! O- Hello, nice to see you, too! S- How are things with you? O- Oh…So-so. S- Where did you spend your hiliday? O- So…, well… I spent my holiday in Egypt… S- Wow! You are mad! O- Ha, ha, ha… I was in Cario! S- And… what? What could you visit? O- I could visit piramids, I could see Nil – This is the seckond longest river in the word. I could ride a camel, try … Egyptian…food… S- Is it delicionus? O-No it isn’t !!! But ice creams there are even good! S- Is Egypt …is hot place? O- Yes, it is! It was very, very hot… S- …oh… O- and very, very sunny too, but I had to stend this temperature! S- Did you meet someone? O-Oh! Yes, I did! S-Who is he or she? O- His name is Ammad. He is Egyptian but he speaks english. He is 20 yers old. He has got black hair. He is friendly. He has got very big family in world! S- Oh.. very nice! O- … What about you? Where did you spend your holiday? S- Ha! I was in China! O-Ha! You are mad, too! What did you see? S- I sow Chinesse wall. O- It is very long, isntt it? S- Oh Yes, it is! O- Did you try Chinesse food? S- Oh, Yes I did, but I don’t know… how….they…eats…theirs…spoons... Do you knowe, what I mean? O- Oh, yes, I do! I don’t know, too! Did you meet someone, too? S- Oh yes! I met Lin. She is short and slim. She was born in England but she lives in China. Her mather is chinesse but her father is England. O- What does she like? S- She is frendly and helpful, too! O- Oh, very nice! But How you ever spoken Chinesse? S-No, I haven’t… O- So what are you spoken? S- In English. English is very popular laugunage! O- Oh yes! S- And next holiday I am going to fly to Greece! O- O… You must buy a new camera because your is <zepsuta> S- Yes! I am going to meet my uncle… O- What??? S- My uncle is Greek. He is short and slim but he is very clever. His name is Costas. He has got black hair. O-Why only now talking about this? S- e… I don’t knowe! O- That’s too bed!  S- I’m sorry…I didn’t have a occasion. O- Nothing mutch S- Thank you! O- I am going to stay in Poland next holiday and I am going to go to Warsaw! S- Where it is? O- This is capital of Poland. S- Oh! Very nice! O- I’m Polish and so for once I should be in Warsaw. S- Oh yes! O- So… We are talking-talking hear but I am going to go to the cinema. There is a new comedy with Eddie… S- Eddie Murphy? O-Yes… S- I love him! O- So,..Do you fancy going to see it with me? S- Oh YES! That is a good idea! I think Eddie is very funny! O- I think too, Let’s meet outside the cinema in own town at 5 o’clock S-Ok., bye O- bye, bye 

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