W e-mailu do kolegi/koleżanki z wydarzenie sportowe, które ostatnio widziałaś lub w którym brałeś/brałaś Napisz: • kiedy odbywało się wydarzenie, • jaki był jego przebieg, • jakie wywarło ono na tobie wrażenie. Limit słów: 50-120 plis na jutro potrzebuje i proszę nie bierzcie z internetu
What's up? Last weekend I went with my classmates to a volleyball competition. I left home in the morning and drove there for an hour. When I got there it was cloudy but after about twenty minutes it was sunny. When the competition started I was stressed at first but then it got better. Our class won! When I found out about it I was very happy. That was all from me.
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam. <3
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dzięki ale potrzebuje czegoś na 5 a Pani da mi za taki mail 4 :((
Hi Suzie!
What's up? Last weekend I went with my classmates to a volleyball competition. I left home in the morning and drove there for an hour. When I got there it was cloudy but after about twenty minutes it was sunny. When the competition started I was stressed at first but then it got better. Our class won! When I found out about it I was very happy. That was all from me.
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam. <3