September 2018 1 34 Report

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DOCTOR XJustin Time opened his eyes slowly. He was on a bed in a strange room. The bed was very hard. Chelsea was there, too. She was very sad.'Are you all right?' she asked quietly.'It doesn't matter. You're both going to die here.'It was Justin old enemy, Dr X. She laughed horribly. 'I've got the computer now. So goodbye, Mr Time.'Dr X left the room and the guard locked the door.'We must stop her," said Justin. 'With that computer she can control all the world's satellites.''I think we can escape easily,' whispered Chelsea. 'That guard is very slowly. Listen.''That's a good idea,' said Justin. Then he shouted very loudly. ' Oh, my stomach! Help! Help!'The guard rushed into the room. 'What's all that horrible noise?' he said. Chelsea wa by the door. She threw the blancet over the guard's head, while Justin quicly grabbed the keys from the guard's belt. They locked the guard in the roomand ran outside.'You did that very well,' said Justin.'Oh, it was easy,' said Chelsea.'Well, can you run fast, too?' he said and they ran to the harbour.'look,' said Justin. ' That's Dr X's boat. She's going to take the computer to her secret island. Come on. ' They got inot the boat and hid behind the seats. Soon Dr X arrived. She carefully put a briefcase on the seat and started yhe engine.The boat was very fast. When they were near the island, Dr X opened the briefcase.'Wth this computer I'm going to control the world,' cshe said. Suddenly Justin jumped up and took the briefcase.'Give that to me,' said Dr X. She grabbed the briefcase and pulled hard. But the briefcase was open the computer fell into the water.'Aren't you going to jump in and get it, Dr X?' asked Justin.'I can't swim!' she said sadly, as the computer slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.'The world is safe again now,' said justin. While he watched Dr X, Chelsea took the boat safely back to the harbour.jak się to czyta po angielsku

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