Bisa minta tolong translatekan ini, tpi jangan dari google translate ya,
Aku memelihara seekor kucing. Namanya Bruno. Aku beri nama dia Bruno karena saya suka Bruno Mars. Dia bertubuh gendut. Dia memiliki mata berwarna kuning, telinga yang tegak, dan kumis yang panjang. Dia memiliki bulu yang lebat dan panjang berwarna putih. Dia juga memiliki ekor yang panjang. Dia sangat lucu dan manja. Dia juga pemalu. Dia suka bermain di luar rumah. Pernah suatu hari ia tercebur ke dalam parit sehinnga tubuhnya kotor semua. Sejak saat itu, ibuku membeli sebuah kandang yang cukup besar untuk Bruno serta mengurungnya sehingga Bruno jadi jarang keluar rumah. Dia adalah kucing yang pintar dia selalu menuruti perintahku. Dia juga tidak suka buang kotoran sembarangan. Dia tidak suka makanan kucing, dia lebih suka makan makanan manusia.
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.
I'm breed some cat. her name is Bruno. I'm give her name Bruno because I like Bruno Mars. Her a body so fat. Her have yellow eye's, ear is erect, and long moustache. He has a feather and a long bushy white. He also has a long tail. he very funny and spoiled. He was also shy. She loves to play outdoors. never a day he fell into the trench sehinnga her all dirty. Since that time, my mom bought a cage large enough for Bruno and lock so Bruno so rarely leave the house. He is a smart cat he always do what I say. He also did not like the indiscriminate pooping. he does not like cat food, she prefers to eat human food.
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