mau minta tolong, coba kasih contoh 3 atau 4 kalimat simple present tense di ubah ke past tense : D
mohon dibantu ya, jawaban kalian berguna banget..
Present tense 1. I am eating a slice of bread in the morning Past tense 2. I ate a slice of bread yesterday morning
Prsn tnse 1. Alice is cooking red soup Pst tnse 2. Alice was cooking red soup
Prsn tnse 1. Ali and i are playing a game Pst tnse 2. Ali and i played a game
Prsnt tnse 1. The students are praying before study Pst tnse 2. The students prayed before study
Good luck ^^
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Present tense > past tense 1. I go to the market > I went to the market last night 2. She call my name slowly > yesterday, she called my name slowly 3. he brings some flowers for me > he brought some flowers for me last morning
Past tense 2. I ate a slice of bread yesterday morning
Prsn tnse 1. Alice is cooking red soup
Pst tnse 2. Alice was cooking red soup
Prsn tnse 1. Ali and i are playing a game
Pst tnse 2. Ali and i played a game
Prsnt tnse 1. The students are praying before study
Pst tnse 2. The students prayed before study
Good luck ^^
1. I go to the market > I went to the market last night
2. She call my name slowly > yesterday, she called my name slowly
3. he brings some flowers for me > he brought some flowers for me last morning