2. They have lived in that house since the end of last year
3. We have only been in the same class for a few weeks
4. We have already risen over 200€ for charity
5. I haven't spoken to her since Friday
6. For how long have you had that mobile phone?
7. She has never wanted to play a musical instrument
8. Miranda has been away on holiday since last Wednesday
9. We have known each other for ages
10. Terry has just finished cleaning the bathroom
4 votes Thanks 3
Salvo esos dos detalles, tu respuesta está perfecta. Puedes corregirla si todavía estás a tiempo (y si estás de acuerdo con las correcciones).
Ra6827539, sé que eres superagradecido(a). Si quieres darle una coronita a esta respuesta pero no aparece la opción, vuelve mañana o en unos días. Cuando hay una sola respuesta, el botón para escoger la mejor respuesta puede tardar unos días en aparecer. Saludos. ツ ¡Felices fiestas! ❤️
Cuenta eliminada
¡¡Muchas gracias por las correcciones!! se me había pasado por alto
Muchas gracias a ti por tus buenas respuestas, que casi nunca tienen errores (algo poco frecuente en este sitio ☹️).
Verified answer
1. I haven't met her boyfriend yet
2. They have lived in that house since the end of last year
3. We have only been in the same class for a few weeks
4. We have already risen over 200€ for charity
5. I haven't spoken to her since Friday
6. For how long have you had that mobile phone?
7. She has never wanted to play a musical instrument
8. Miranda has been away on holiday since last Wednesday
9. We have known each other for ages
10. Terry has just finished cleaning the bathroom
Saludos. ツ ¡Felices fiestas! ❤️