Dear (nama bro kamu), How's your day? I hope you're okay and always healthy. I just want to inform you that grandmother is hospitalized. I wonder if you can go home and visit her. She misses you and I know you miss her too.
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Kalo menurut ku bukannya disuruh buat pesan singkat ya ?
ntah lah :| kalo pesan singkat kayak gini >> (nama bro kamu), grandmother is hospitalized. I wonder if you can go home and come visit her. (y/n)
kalo surat kayak gini
Dear (nama bro kamu),
How's your day? I hope you're okay and always healthy. I just want to inform you that grandmother is hospitalized. I wonder if you can go home and visit her. She misses you and I know you miss her too.
Brother, our grandmother is hospitalized, please come home to visit her
From : (your name)