Bardzo Prosze o SZYBKIE przetłumaczenie.!
Jestem na wakacjach w Jeleniej Górze. Bardzo lubie góry i się cieszę, że moge je kolejny raz oglądać.Droga była długa, więc byłam troche zmęczona. Jak przyjechaliśmy zakwaterowaliśmy się w hotelu i od razu poszliśmy na spacer.Wróciliśmy niedawno,a tata z siostrą poszli na zakupy. Ja zostałam i nas rozpakowywuje, potem poszukam ciekawych miejsc do zawiedzania. Odezwę się za niedługo.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm on holidays in Jelenia Gora. I like mountains very much and I'm very glad that I could see them again. The road was very long so I was a little bit tired. When we've arrived we booked our rooms in hotel and later we went for a walk. We've just came back and dad with my sister went for a shopping. I stayed in room and I'm extracting us. Later I'll look for interesting places to see. We're stay in touch.
I'm on holiday in Jelenia Góra. I like mountains very much and I'm glad that I can see them again. The road was long, so I was tired. When we arrived, we checked in the hotel and took a walk. We came back a moment ago and my father with my sister went to shop. I stayed and I'm unpacking us. Later, I'll look for some interesting places to see. I'll write you soon again.