Bardzo prosze o przetłumaczenie na J.angielski...
Ostatnio zauwazyłem ze gdzies znikneła moja ulubiona czapka.Troche sie przejałem poniewaz niedawno ja kupiłem
Sadziłem ze ja zgubiłem ale przypomniałem sobie ze kiedy ostatnim razem byłem u ciebie , musiałem o niej zapomniec.Czapka powinna lezec na sofie.Jest niebiesko czarna .Bardzo prosze, mógłbys mi ja wysłac?Przepraszam za kłopot.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Recently I noticed that it had disappeared my favorite hat. I took over a little, because I bought it recently.
I thought I lost it, but I remembered that the last time I was with you, I had to forget about it. Cap should lie on the sofa. It is blue black. Pretty please, can you send it to me? Sorry for the inconvenience.
myślę, że pomogłam..;D
Recently I noticed that it had disappeared my favorite hat. I took over a little, because I bought it recently.I thought I lost it, but I remembered that the last time I was with you, I had to forget about it. Cap should lie on the sofa. It is blue black. Pretty please, can you send it to me? Sorry for the inconvenience.