Bardzo prosze, daje naj i dużo punktów.
Napisz wpis w pamiętniku o dniu ceremonii w której masz być wystawiony na próbę śmierci.
Wiem, że trochę dziwne ale bardzo proszę. Oczywiście po angielsku
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Diary of XYZ
3rd June,2011
I'm so frightened, terrified. Tomorrow is THAT day. I will have to fight all my fears and stand eye on eye with the worst of them. I'm son of tribe's chief. I have to pass blood attempt. It is traditional ceremonial, after which I will be able to become a chief. The attempt consist of three parts. In first I will have my eyes mist and I will have to defeat some enemies and obstructions. Second will test my abilites of ruling and judging. Third test is unkown for a while. If I survive I will be definitely good Chief.
I Keep fingers crossed for myself!