October 2018 1 20 Report

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1.uzupełnijużywając past simple, past continuos, past perfect, wolud, used to

When Elvis Presley (die) my mum (listen) to the radio. Suddenly, the programme (stop) and the presenter said that Elvis (die) earlier that day. Mum was only a school girl then so she ran downstairs and (tell) her parents. They (watch) television and they weren't very interested so my mum phoned her friend. Her friend (not hear) the news and she (not believe) my mum until she saw the news that evening.
That's because my mum would often (play) tricks on her friends. She (use to) love thinking of stories to tell them and watching them when they realised they weren't true!

2.uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami

The B..... of a new baby is always a special time but it's not the only time that families get together. We C...... birthdays, we go to W...... and hope that the new husband and wife will be happy together.Even F....... are a chance for families to meet up and remember the past. Althoug D..... his always sad, the meeting doesn't have to be. One celebration that isn't usually a big event is a W...... A........... Often the husband and wife just go for a meal together or for a weekend away in a romantic city.

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