Jesteś za granicą na wakacjach nad morzem. Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego z Anglii.Poinformuj gdzie jesteś,opisz miejscowość, w której przebywasz, poskarż się na pogodę, wspomnij jak spędzasz czas mimo kiepskiej pogody
I'm writing to you from Gdańsk. It's an amazing city with a lot of fastinating places to visit and there're so many beautiful views here! Unfortunally, the weather isn't really good and it's also windy this week, so I can't go swimming. Luckily, I'm here with my friend, so I'm never bored- we are walking on the beach a lot and today we're planning to see the museum of art and then we'll go to the restaurant with Sea food.
Greetings from Baltic Sea, (Twoje imie)
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"an" amazing - przymiotnik zaczynający się od vowel. / Luckily (literowka) / (the) museum
I'm writing to you from Gdańsk. It's an amazing city with a lot of fastinating places to visit and there're so many beautiful views here!
Unfortunally, the weather isn't really good and it's also windy this week, so I can't go swimming. Luckily, I'm here with my friend, so I'm never bored- we are walking on the beach a lot and today we're planning to see the museum of art and then we'll go to the restaurant with Sea food.
Greetings from Baltic Sea,
(Twoje imie)