Bardzo proszę o sprawidzenie i poprawienie ;)) PROSZĘ!!!!!!!!!! Dzisiaj jest sobota, mój ulubiony dzień. Miałam dziśiaj w Katowicach terening jeździecki. Już dzień wcześniej miałam wszystko przygotowane. Do tego pięknego miasta dotarłam około godziny 11.oo. Kiedy przyszła na salę treningową zobaczyłam przyjaciół z mojego klubu jeździckiego. Wszyscy byli bardzo podekscytowani, ponieważ miała nas uczyć trenerka grupy Grand Prix - Dorota Kaczmarczyk. Denerwowałamsię bo nigdy nie uczyła mnie tak doświadczona osoba. Rozpoczęliśmy trening o godzinie 13.00. Trwało to 4 godziny z dwoma przerwami. Myślałam, że pujdzie gorzej. Myślałem, że trener będzie bardzo wymagający. I nie było tak źle. Pani Dorota była bardzo przyjemna i zrozumienia. Po treningu,wyczyściliśmy i nakarmiliśmy wszystkie konie. Po 2 godzinach poszliśmy na ujeżdżalnię na zajęcia z teorii. Trenerzy pokazali nam różne filmy związane z techciką skokową. Po wykładach poszliśmy ię przebrać.. Pożegnaliśmy się i obiecaliśmy, że wrócimy w tym samym składzie za miesiąc. To był wspaniały dzień. Najlepszy trening w moim życiu. Today is Saturday, my favorite day. I was going to Katowice today to practice riding. As early days sooner had everything prepared. For this beautiful city I arrived about an hour 11.oo. When I went to the gym with my friends will see the Equestrian Club in szymocicach. Everyone was very excited because we had a coach teach a group Grand Prix - Dorota Kaczmarczyk. Nervous about because you never taught me that an experienced person. We started training at 13.00. It lasted 4 hours with two breaks. I thought that I pujdzie worse. I thought that the coach will be very demanding. And one was not so bad. Mrs. Dorothy was very pleasant and understanding. After training, all horses cleared a and feed them. After 2 hours we went to the riding-school break to classes of theories. The trainers showed us various pilmy techciką associated with displacement. After the lectures we went interesujęcych to change. We said goodbye and promised that we will return IN THIS same composition for the month. It was a great day. The best workout of my life.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Today is Sunday, my favourite day. Today I had a horse riding practice in Katowice. I've had everything ready the day before. I have arrived to that beutifoul city around 11.00. When I came in to the practice room I saw my friends from my horse riding club. Everyone's been excited because a new trener, Dorota Kaczmarczyk, from a Grand Prix group was supposed to teach us. I was nervoues because I have never been trained by such a expierienced person before. We started our practice at 1 PM. It lasted 4 houers (with two breakes). I thought it could have been worse. I thought that the trener would have been more challenging. It wasn't that bad aftre all. Miss Dorota was very nice and understanding. After the practice we cleaned and fed our horses. After 2 houers we went to the riding school and had a theory classes. The traners showed us diffrent movies about technique of horse jumping. After that we changed our clothes. We said our goodbyes and promised, that we'll all be back next month. It was an amaizing day. The best practice in my life.