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Chciałabym wam opowiedzieć o moim mieście. Moim zdaniem łódz jest bardzo popularnym i ekscytującym miastem w Polsce. Zlokalizowane jest w centralnej części kraju i liczy 742,387 mieszkańców. Łódź ma bardzo ciekawą historię, a architektura zaskakuje nie jednego turystę. W Łodzi znajduje się wiele starych cmentarzy, które warto odwiedzić. Łódź to również ośrodek kulturalny, pełen różnego rodzaju imprez muzycznych, teatralnych, literackich, plastycznych i filmowych. Tu rokrocznie odbywa się kilkadziesiąt festiwali. Na Piotrkowskiej, znajdują się salony mody, kina, teatry, filharmonia, galerie sztuki, muzea. To jest najlepsze miejsce gdzie mozna wyjsc z przyjaciolmi i swietnie się bawic. ! Tu można przyjść, usiąść i popatrzeć na piękne zabytki. There're many interesting buildings, pubs, restaurants, clubs and shops. In Łódź THERE are many INTERESTING PLACES TO VISIT!
PO ANGIELSKU - tlumaczylam translatorem wiec jest duzo bledow, prosze o poprawienie ich...
I would like to tell you about my town. In my opinion Lodz is the most popular and fascinating city in Poland. Located in the central part of the country, it had a population of 742.387. Lodz has a very interesting history and architecture surprises many visitors. In Lodz, there are many old cemeteries, which you can visit. Lodz is a cultural center, which hosts music events, theater, literature, art and film. Here, every year is a lot of festivals. For Piotrkowska are fashion shops, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, art galleries, museums. This is the best place to go out with friends and HAVE FUN WITH THEM! Here you can come in, sit down and look at the beautiful sights. There're many interesting buildings, pubs, restaurants, clubs and shops. In Lodz THERE are many INTERESTING PLACES TO VISIT!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I would like to tell you about my town. In my opinion Łodz is the most popular and fascinating city in Poland. Łódź is located the central part of the country, there is 742.387 of population. Lodz has a very interesting history and architecture surprises many visitors. In Lodz, there are many old graveyard, which you can visit. Łódź is also a centre cultural, full kind of musical, drama, literary, plastic and film parties of different kind. Here, every year is a lot of festivals. For Piotrkowska are fashion shops, cinemas, theaters, concert halls, art galleries, museums. This is the best place to go out with friends and HAVE FUN WITH THEM! Here you can come in, sit down and look at the beautiful monuments. There're many interesting buildings, pubs, restaurants, clubs and shops. In Lodz THERE are many INTERESTING PLACES TO VISIT!
ogółem dobrze jest tylko to co wyróżniłam jest poprawione i przepraszam musiałam poprawić jeszcze jedno zdanie bo przeoczyłam
I would like to tell you about my Town. In My opinion Lódź is the most popular city in Poland. Łódź is located the central part of the country there is 742..387 of population.
Łódź has a very interesing History. In Łódź there are many old graveyard witch you can visit. Łódź is aslo a centre cultular, full kind of musical, drama, literary, plastic and parties of differend kind. Here every year is a lot of festival. For Piotrowska are fashion shop and cinemas and muzeums. This is the best place to go out wich friends and have fun witch them! Here you can come in, sit down and look at the beautiful monuments. There are many interesing buildings , pubs , restaurands , clubs and shops. In Łódź there are many interesing places to visit!
Też Miałam coś w podobie na angielskim, tylko na klasówce;).