Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tego tekstu na język ANGIELSKI!!! ;) Daję naj..;)... KLIMAT: Łagodny i wilgotny klimat. Irlandia zawdzięcza częstym wiatrom południowo - zachodnim oraz wpływowi prądu północno - altantyckiego. Wilgotne wiatry, które na swej drodze nie napotykają na przeszkodę w postaci wysokich gór, dociekają do każdego zakątka wyspy. Mimo tego, wschodnia część kraju pozostaje suchsza. Średnia temperatura zimy waha się od 4⁰C na wschodzie do 7⁰C na zachodzie. Na obszarach południowo - zachodnich, klimat jest tak łagodny, że istnieją warunki do uprawy roślin śródziemnomorskich
MIASTA: Od wieków najważniejszym portem Irlandii jest leżący przy ujściu rzeki Liffey - Dublin. Wraz z położonym nieopodal Dun Laogharie, jest ważnym ośrodkiem transportu krajowego. Oprócz tego jest centrum administracyjnym, handlowym oraz przemysłowym.
... Daję naj! ;) OD RAZU DZIĘKUJĘ!!! xD..
CLIMATE: mild and humid climate. Ireland is due to frequent winds south - west and influenced by current North - altantyckiego. Moist winds, which in its path does not encounter an obstacle in the form of high mountains, dociekają to every corner of the island. Despite this, the eastern part of the country is drier. The average winter temperature ranges from 4 ⁰ C in the east to 7 ⁰ C in the west. In areas of the south - west, the climate is so mild that there are conditions for the cultivation of the Mediterranean
CITY: For centuries, Ireland's principal airport is lying at the mouth of the River Liffey - Dublin. Along with the situated close to Dun Laogharie, is an important national transport. In addition, is the administrative center, commercial and industrial.
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CLIMATE: mild and humid climate. Ireland is due to frequent winds south - west and influenced by current North - altantyckiego. Moist winds, which in its path does not encounter an obstacle in the form of high mountains, dociekają to every corner of the island. Despite this, the eastern part of the country is drier. The average winter temperature ranges from 4 ⁰ C in the east to 7 ⁰ C in the west. In areas of the south - west, the climate is so mild that there are conditions for the cultivation of Mediterranean CITY: For centuries, Ireland's principal airport is lying at the mouth of the River Liffey - Dublin. Along with the situated close to Dun Laogharie, is an important national transport. In addition, is the administrative center, commercial and industrial.
CITY: For centuries, Ireland's principal airport is lying at the mouth of the River Liffey - Dublin. Along with the situated close to Dun Laogharie, is an important national transport. In addition, is the administrative center, commercial and industrial.
CITY: For centuries, Ireland's principal airport is lying at the mouth of the River Liffey - Dublin. Along with the situated close to Dun Laogharie, is an important national transport. In addition, is the administrative center, commercial and industrial.