BARDZO PROSZĘ O POMOC W TLUMACZENIU TEKSTU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Na śniadanie jem płatki z mlekiem,kanapki i piję herbatę. Na obiad schabowy z kurczaka do tego buraczki i ogórki. Na kolację jem chleb z kielbasą i popijam kakao.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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On the breakfast I eat cereal with milk, sandwiches and drink tea. On the lunch I eat pork chop, beetroot and cucumbers. On the dinner I eat a slice of bread with sausage and drink cocoa.
on the breakfast I eat cereal with milk, sandwiches and drink tea. On the lunch I eat pork chop, beetroot and cucumbers. On the dinner I eat a slice of bread with sausage and drink cocoa.