November 2018 1 26 Report

BArdzo proszę o pomoc i dobre odpowiedzi :)

Z Uzupełnij luki w poniższych zdaniach. W każdą lukę należy wstawić tylko jedno słowo.

1. A:It's hard to believe you've accomplished all this on

________ own! Are you sure__________ helped you?

B:_________ did! I've done it__________ .

2. I can see you're busy now, but could we possibly have

________ word a__________ later, please? There's

________ important I need to talk over with you.

3. What's________ matter with George? He is talking to

________ and walking aimlessly around__________ office.

4. A_________ years ago I met a man_________ grandfather

served with_________ in the same battalion during

________ Second World War.

5. While_________ of the flats we looked at seemed more

or________ of the same standard, the one in Pine Street

was certainly the_________ attractive of all.

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7. Uzupełnij poniższy tekst, wstawiając jedno słowo w każdą lukę. to jest z działu zaimki osobowe, dzierżawcze oraz przymiotniki dzierżawcze.Proszę o dobre odpowiedzi Last week I decided to visit Janet, an old friend of 1 .... . We used to live next door to each 2....... but after school she moved to another town. We still kept in touch quite regularly and I invited 3...... to come to our wedding. She 4.......... got married soon after that. She often told me on the phone about her husband and how wonderful 5....... was and invited me to come so I made up my mind to stay with them for the weekend. 'She has seen my husband so its time for me to see 6....... ,' I thought to 7.......... . 8......... could never imagine my disbelief when I arrived at the address she'd given me. The house looked enormous as far as I could see through the bars of a large gate. 'Wow, so this is where she lives now,' I thought pressing the button of the intercom. A moment later I heard a deep manly voice. I quickly introduced 9......... and explained the purpose of my visit. 'Mrs Rosenford is not expecting 10......... today,' I heard in response. 'Could you possibly arrange to come another time?' 'Just go and tell her I'm here at the gate,' I snarled angrily. While waiting, I once again decided to have a look at my notebook where I'd written down Janet's address. It was then that I realized I'd misread the name of the street. 'I'm sorry, there's been a mistake,' I said in embarrassment pressing the intercom button again and walked away as quickly as I could...

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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