bardzo proszę niech mi ktoś przetłumaczy te zdania oczywiscie na jezyk angielski:
1.Ile mleka jest w butlece?
2.Ile jest uczniów w klasie ?
3.Nie ma wody w butelce.
4,.Ile jest książek na stole ?
5.Ile masz pieniędzy ?
potrzebnee ! daje naj.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. How much of milk is in bootle
2. How many students are in classroom
3. There's no water in the bootle
4. How many books are on table?
5. How much money do you have?
1. how many milks is in the bottle?
2. how many is of pupils in the class?
3. there is no water in the bottle.
4,. how many is of books on the table?
5. how much money do you have?