My easter time I spend with my family. On the morning we ate a big eater breakfast. On ta table was sausages, eggs, salads, easter bread and many more things. Next we went to my grandparents. My grandma gave us big cheesecake. We told her we were not hungry but she didn't belive us. On the evening I went with my friends to walk. This was my easter
My easter time I spend with my family. On the morning we ate a big eater breakfast. On ta table was sausages, eggs, salads, easter bread and many more things. Next we went to my grandparents. My grandma gave us big cheesecake. We told her we were not hungry but she didn't belive us. On the evening I went with my friends to walk. This was my easter
I went to the figure given basket . Wielkanoce ate breakfastwhichwaseggs
white sausage, ham,Easter cake.WhenI ateI wentto lookafter thetreesand fieldsrabbit
whohad agift.TheentirecastMondayPourrdzinęat interest