Napisz notatkę do koleżanki w której opiszesz nie udaną wyprawę w góry.W notatce napisz: a)kiedy wyprawa miała miejsce b)Jaki miała przebieg(co się wydarzyło) c)Jakie były twoje odczucua d)napisz dalczego była taka ważna/nieważna
POMOCE np. a) It was/It happened:last(week,mounth,years)5hours,2weeks,one week .. yesturday,the day before
d)I wass impertont-day in orgettable-day the best-day the word-day on my life
Prosze o pisanie łatwej/bardzo prostej notatki :)
Hey (wpisz imie koleżanki) is back in an unusual trip. I mountains 2 weeks, but those were the worst weeks in my życiu.tuż came as a terrible storm blew in, and announcements that will be great weather for skiing. that's nothing, it turned out that the house, an order which was occupied by another family, and then, once everything is cleared, we went on the slope. there were so many people that musielimy exit to another. We went, and there is not a subway and drove wywaliłam. everyone laughed at me. I felt like I wyliła sure the 15 meters, and there were only 8 We left it as it turned out that we do not have tickets and had to return to the happiness we were close. was important for me because there I met a cool friend.
mam nadzieje, że się podoba i dasz najlepszy ;]