Bardzo pilne!!!! Napisałby ktoś mi e-maila z angielskiego? temat jest taki, że pisze do nauczycielki o 6 na koniec roku z języka angielskiego. Z GÓRY DZIĘKUJĘ, DAM NAJ!!!!
I'm writing to you in regards to my final grade by the end of this school year. I would like to kindly ask if you could grade me a 6, since I've been working very hard and I've been doing very well in tests this year. I passed all of them with flying colors, getting over 98% from all of them. If there's anything I can do to make sure I get the 6, please let me know what i should do.
Thank you for your time and your interest in this matter,
Verified answer
Good morning,
I'm writing to you in regards to my final grade by the end of this school year. I would like to kindly ask if you could grade me a 6, since I've been working very hard and I've been doing very well in tests this year. I passed all of them with flying colors, getting over 98% from all of them. If there's anything I can do to make sure I get the 6, please let me know what i should do.
Thank you for your time and your interest in this matter,