Myholidayin the mountainswere amazing.It wasfrom 20July to10 August.Every daywe walked in themountains atdifferent heightsabovethe sea.Fortunatelythe distancewas not solarge,thatsomethingserioushad happened.During thetourwe always hada few minutes breakto rest.It is fun tocooperatewith people whoalsowere there.The eveningwas thefireplace.Twoguyshadguitarswith them, soaccompanies, and allsingingdifferent songs.We toldeachotherjokesandshort stories.Thesestorieshave differentthemes- sometimesfunny,and sometimesseriousorterrible.Wentto bedlateandgot upin the morningniewypsani,butready to go.
My holiday in the mountains were amazing. It was from 20 July to 10 August. Every day we walked in the mountains at different heights above the sea. Fortunately the distance was not so large, that something serious had happened. During the tour we always had a few minutes break to rest. It is fun to cooperate with people who also were there. The eveningwas the fireplace. Two guys had guitars with them, so accompanies, and all singingdifferent songs. We told each other jokes and short stories. These stories have differentthemes - sometimes funny, and sometimes serious or terrible. Went to bed late and got upin the morning niewypsani, but ready to go.