Bardzo lubię pomagać swoim rodzicom ponieważ dostaje od nich za dobrze wykonaną prace pieniądze . Moim zadaniem jest na przykład ścielenie łóżka, czy pójście do sklepu . :) Proszę o przetłumaczenie tego na j.ang Pozatym dzięki :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I really like to help their parents because it gets the work done for the good money. My task is, for example, made beds, or go to the store
I very like help my parents ,because I get money about good made job. My sentences is make the bed or shopping.
I really like helping my parents ,because when I done it really well I can get instead of some money . In my opinion example of benevolence is making a bed or going to the shop