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Potrzebuję rozprawkę na temat: "The sport of fishing is cruel and unnecessary and should be made illegal."
Potrzebuje tak dwa argumenty za i dwa przeciw.. Rozprawka ma mieć tak 200-250 słów..
Nie musi być też bezbłędnie, satysfakcjonuje mnie ocena 4. ;)
Bardzo proszę o pomoc.. ;)
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Argument pierwszy będzi że to nie miłe łowić ryby ;
The sport of fishing is cruel and unnecessary and should be made illegal because we are killing creatures that probably never done anything to harm us . Also if we keep continueing to do so we might wipe out a certain species of fish altogether . I suggest we stop fishing and be vegetairians .
Argument przeciwny , nie powwiniśmy zabronić łowienie ryb :
Fishing should not be made illegal , it has been feeding the population for thousands of years . If we be vegeterians then we will be lacking the proteins and vitamins we get from fish and meat. Somehow for fishing for thousands of years we have not managed to wipe out and specie of fish .
Drugi argument ZA :
We should make fishing illegal since we will have better surrondings . We can eat different vegetables that contain the same vitamins and proteins as fish , so that will not be a problem . We have managed to wipe oyt species of fish over the milleniums . I still think that fishing should e made illegal .
Drugi argument PRZECIW :
We should continue with fishing a it is one of our main exports . If we stop we will be in a deeper recession and have less money . Fish are a important part of our daily diet and we need fish to be healthy . Fish helps our inds to think and would help our education