Bardzo Łatwe na Angielski :
1 Czerwony samolot jest szybszy niż niebieski
2 Niebieski samolot nie jest tak szybki jak czerwony
3 Barbara jest najwyższę dziewczyna w klasie
4 anna nie jest tak wysoka jak barbara
5 Twoja Torebka jest droższa niż moja
6 moja torebka nie jest tak droga jak Twoja
7 moja torebka jest tańsza niż twoja
8 moja torebka jest najtańsza
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 Red plane is faster than blue
2 Blue plane is not as fast as the red
3 Barbara is the best girl in class
4 anna is not as high as barbara
5 Your bag is more expensive than mine
6 my purse is not as expensive as your
7 My bag is cheaper than yours
8 My bag is the cheapest
man na dzieje ze pomoglem daj naj :P
1.Red plane is faster than blue.
2.Blue plane is not as fast as the red.
3.Barbara is the best girl in class.
4 Anna is not as high as barbara.
5 Your bag is more expensive than mine.
6 My bag is not as expensive as your.
7 My bag is cheaper than yours.
8 My bag is the cheapest.