1. Kucing, meja, buku, bola, rumah.
(Translation: Cat, table, book, ball, house.)
- "I bought three books, two apples, a cat, five chairs, and a table for my new apartment."
2. Jakarta, London, Microsoft, Mount Everest, Amazon.
(Translation: Jakarta, London, Microsoft, Mount Everest, Amazon.)
- "John and Emily visited Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and enjoyed dinner at Le Jardin."
3. Apel, sepatu, topi, tas, pensil.
(Translation: Apple, shoes, hat, bag, pencil.)
- "My sister loves to read books, listen to music, play soccer, explore nature, and cook delicious meals."
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. Kucing, meja, buku, bola, rumah.
(Translation: Cat, table, book, ball, house.)
- "I bought three books, two apples, a cat, five chairs, and a table for my new apartment."
2. Jakarta, London, Microsoft, Mount Everest, Amazon.
(Translation: Jakarta, London, Microsoft, Mount Everest, Amazon.)
- "John and Emily visited Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, Notre Dame Cathedral, and enjoyed dinner at Le Jardin."
3. Apel, sepatu, topi, tas, pensil.
(Translation: Apple, shoes, hat, bag, pencil.)
- "My sister loves to read books, listen to music, play soccer, explore nature, and cook delicious meals."