Pembahasan: Fungsi manajemen yang dijalankan dengan baik merupakan bekal yang positif terhadap kepala ruang dalam memimpin dan sebagai penggerak perawat pelaksana. Hal tersebut akan meningkatkan kualitas mutu pelayanan keperawatan di ruang rawat inap. Penerapan keselamatan pasien yang baik terjadi karena kepatuhan perawat pelaksana dalam mengimplementasikan penerapan keselamatan pasien di ruang rawat inap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin baik fungsi manajemen yang dijalankan oleh kepala ruang, maka semakin meningkat kualitas perawat dalam menerapkan keselamatan pasien di ruang rawat inap.
Kata Kunci: Fungsi Manajemen. Kepala Ruang, Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien
Discussion: A well-executed management function is a positive provision for the head of the room in leading and as a driving force for implementing nurses. This will improve the quality of nursing services in the inpatient room. The implementation of good patient safety occurs because of the compliance of implementing nurses in implementing the application of patient safety in the inpatient room. The results showed that the better the management function carried out by the head of the room, the higher the quality of nurses in implementing patient safety in the inpatient room.
Keywords: Management Function. Head of Room, Implementation of Patient Safety
A well executed management function is positive provision for the head of the room in leading and as a driving force for implementing nurses.
This will improving the good quality of the nurse serving for safety the patient room occurs because the first the discipline of nurse is one of implementing service
The result of observation show of the better management function that the head room activity can being the more best quality of the nurse serving when in the patient room occurs
Discussion: A well-executed management function is a positive provision for the head of the room in leading and as a driving force for implementing nurses. This will improve the quality of nursing services in the inpatient room. The implementation of good patient safety occurs because of the compliance of implementing nurses in implementing the application of patient safety in the inpatient room. The results showed that the better the management function carried out by the head of the room, the higher the quality of nurses in implementing patient safety in the inpatient room.
Keywords: Management Function. Head of Room, Implementation of Patient Safety
A well executed management function is positive provision for the head of the room in leading and as a driving force for implementing nurses.
This will improving the good quality of the nurse serving for safety the patient room occurs because the first the discipline of nurse is one of implementing service
The result of observation show of the better management function that the head room activity can being the more best quality of the nurse serving when in the patient room occurs