Bawang putih selalu dibebani pekerjaan yang berat oleh ibu tirinya, sedangkan Bawang merah tidak pernah disuruh bekerja. Perlakuan ibu tirinya sangat tidak adil, dalam memperlakukan kedua putrinya. Padahal dalam keluarga, anak seharusnya mendapatkan kasih sayang dan perlakuan yang sama dari orang tuanya. Bawang putih sering dicaci-maki oleh ibu tiri dan Bawang merah.
Tapi Bawang putih selalu sabar dalam menjalani hidupnya yang penuh dengan derita. Karena kebaikan dan ketulusan hatinya, ia selalu dibantu dengan ikan mas ajaib. Namun, ketahuan oleh Bawang merah. Sehingga ikan mas itu dibawa pulang, dimasak dan dimakan bersama ibunya. Yang tersisa hanyalah duri dan kepalanya saja. Bawang putih mengubur duri ikan mas tersebut di belakang rumahnya. Yang tak lama kemudian tumbuhlah tanaman bunga yang indah. Tanaman bunga yang indah itu menarik perhatian pangeran yang melintas. Sampai akhirnya Bawang putihpun dilamar oleh sang pangeran.
Zikri224Garlic is always loaded heavy work by her stepmother, while Shallot never put to work. Behavior stepmother is not fair, in treating second daughter. But the family, the child should get love compassion and equal treatment of parents. Garlic is often condemned-condemned by the stepmother and red onion. But garlic is always patient in live his life full of suffering. Because goodness and sincerity his heart, he always helped with magical goldfish. However, unnoticed by the Onion red. Until carp were brought home, cooked and eaten with her mother. The only remaining thorn and head only. Garlic bury fish spines mas is in his backyard. Soon as the crop grows beautiful flowers. Plant beautiful flowers that attract the attention of the prince who crossing. Until finally Onion putihpun courted by the prince.
But garlic is always patient in live his life full of suffering. Because goodness and sincerity his heart, he always helped with magical goldfish. However, unnoticed by the Onion red. Until carp were brought home, cooked and eaten with her mother. The only remaining thorn and head only. Garlic bury fish spines mas is in his backyard. Soon as the crop grows beautiful flowers. Plant beautiful flowers that attract the attention of the prince who crossing. Until finally Onion putihpun courted by the prince.