8. The manager of the bookstore checks the stocks for both quality and then quantity.
Answer: The manager of the bookstore checks the stocks for bothquality andquantity.
'Both' dipasangkan dengan kata 'and' untuk menegaskan dua unsur yang sederajat. Both ... and sebagai subjek SELALU diikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak.
Both sotoand sateare delicious.
Both RinaandMayastudy English.
Contoh both ... and lainnya
I can sing this song bothbeautifullyandenchantingly.
Revise the sentence below into the correct ones!
1. This trip will drain both our sweat and take our energy.
Answer: This trip will bothdrain our sweat andtake our energy.
2. Doing some practices can help every student in improving both hard skills and also soft skills.
Answer: Doing some practices can help every student in improving bothhard skillsandsoft skills.
3. The competition was held by both the students and held by teachers.
Answer: The competition was held by boththe studentsandthe teachers.
4. Tika both states and elaborate the topic.
Answer: Tika bothstatesandelaborates the topic.
5. Students from Indonesia can enter the building from both gate A and from gate B.
Answer: Students from Indonesia can enter the building from bothgate Aandgate B.
6. My friends perform the drama both cheerfully and sad.
Answer: My friends perform the drama bothcheerfullyandsadly.
7. Kiko loves both to write and read horror story.
Answer: Kiko loves bothto writeandto read horror story.
8. The manager of the bookstore checks the stocks for both quality and then quantity.
Answer: The manager of the bookstore checks the stocks for bothquality andquantity.
'Both' dipasangkan dengan kata 'and' untuk menegaskan dua unsur yang sederajat. Both ... and sebagai subjek SELALU diikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak.
Contoh both ... and lainnya
Pelajari labih lanjut
1. 5 Contoh kalimat not only ... but also : brainly.co.id/tugas/10266080
Detail jawaban
Kelas: 11
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Grammar
Kode: 11.5.3
Kata kunci: both, and, grammar, sentence, correct