December 2018 1 52 Report
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Buatlah teks dialog bahasa inggris dua orang, berdasarkan teks di bawah *Two magelang dances are present in Malang* dance 'Laskar Tidar' from the city of Magelang enlivened the cultural parade in the series of activities of Association of City Government of Indonesia (Apeksi) 2017 in Malang, East Java, Wednesday (19/7). Ten dancers and 10 gamelan players appeared in the cultural parade attraction held in the area of ​​Jalan Ijen in the city. Besides displaying 'Laskar Tidar', Magelang City Government also performed 'Pelangi Tidar' Dance at the Indonesia Expo Center (IEC) event in Gajayana Stadium, Malang. Assistant 1 Secretary of Magelang City, Muji Rochman, who is also the head of the entourage, said that this dance performance is a form of participation of Magelang City in the success of the activities in Malang, including the implementation of the National Working Meeting (Rakernas) XII Apeksi. held Tuesday thursday (18-20 / 7). "The dance is a result of the development of the Department of Education and Culture of the City of Magelang.This breakthrough and innovation efforts so that the art culture in the city of Magelang increasingly widely known," said Muji Rochman. the dance that is displayed has its own meaning and inspiration. Dance 'Pelangi Tidar' is a blend of motion from mask dance ireng, soreng, kubra student, kuntulan, and footsteps of military soldiers foot soldiers .. This dance describes the richness of colors that can complement and greet each other in the middle of diversity. "Cultivate and cultivate gratitude for the beauty that exists that embodied the idea with cipta, karsa, and love, so it can be enjoyed and interpreted, "he explained.'Laskar Tidar 'tells the soldiers of Prince Diponegoro who are practicing martial arts with high spirit, in an effort to maintain and maintain the independence of beloved country. for two months this dancer which is a combination of representatives of high school students, students of Tidar University, and students of the Department of Dance Yogyakarta State University (UNY) is continuing to intensively practice "Hope can show the best performances and make proud. City of Magelang, "he said .. The appearance of 'Pelangi Tidar' and 'Laskar Tidar' at the event have many benefits, as a means of introducing the richness of cultural arts and tourism promotion. "It can show to other areas that the City of Magelang is a city that cares about the preservation of indigenous Indonesian art," Muji said.

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