Bahasa inggrisnya: 1.apa nama alat untuk menghisap madu pada kupu2? 2.kupu2 dapat bertahan hidup hingga umur berapa? 3.bentuk anatomi masing-masing lebah sama apa tidak? 4.mengapa sarang lebah berbentuk segienam? 5.apa nama alat komunikasi untuk merekam gelombang tsunami? 6.mengapa air laut surut sebelum datangnya tsunami?
tolong bantuannya :)
What the name of the tool to suck honey butterfly? butterfly can live up to what age? anatomical shape of each bee as what does not? why honeycomb-shaped hexagons? any communication device to record the name of a tsunami wave? why the low tide before the arrival of the tsunami
butterfly can live up to what age?
anatomical shape of each bee as what does not?
why honeycomb-shaped hexagons?
any communication device to record the name of a tsunami wave?
why the low tide before the arrival of the tsunami