Bahasa inggris kan kalimat ini!! "Ini adalah rumah saya. Rumah saya indah, rapi, dan bersih. Di depan rumah saya terdapat bunga2 dan taman. Di dalam rrumah saya terdapat ruang tamu, ruang tidur, dapur, dan kamar mandi. Di belakang rumah saya ada sungai. Rumah bagi saya adalah tempat untuk berteduh dari sinar matahari, hujan. Dan tempat berkumpul nya seluruh anggota keluarga.
This is my home. my home is beautiful, neat and clean. in front of my home, there was many flowers and garden. in my home there was living room, bedroom, and bathroom. behind my home there was a river. Home to me is the place to shelter from the sun, rain. And a gathering place for his whole family.
maaf klo salah ^ ^
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"This is my house.My House is beautiful,neat,and clean.In front of my house there are flowers and gardens. In my house there is a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. In the back of my house there is a river. Home to me is the place to shelter from the sun, rain. And a gathering place for his whole family.
maaf klo salah ^ ^