September 2018 1 53 Report
Sebuah bandul logam berbentuk gabungan kerucut dan setengah bola7cm,garis pelukis kerucut 25cm,dan berat logam 1cm kubik=6 gram,maka berat bandul tersebut adalah....Kg.tlong di bantu yaa.(beserta cara secara detail u/ bahan ulangan).
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EXERCISE FOR ROCOUNT TEXT A. PUT THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT FORM TO AGREE WITH THE TIME AND SUBJECT. Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie ( be, bear)---------------- in Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province on June 25th, 1936. Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie’s father’s ( die) ---------- when he was 14, 40 days after his father’s death, Bachuruddin jusuf Habibie ( have to)--------------- sail to Jakarta to continue his studies. Five years later, in 1955, at 19 years old, Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie ( fly) -------------- to Germany to again continue his studies. Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie successfully ( obtain) -------------- his Dipl,-ing. In 1960. After obtaining his degree, Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie ( stay) ------------- in Germany working as a research assistent for Prof. Dr,-Ing. Hans Ebner at the Lehrstuhl Und Institute fur Leichtbau RWTH Aachen, while conducting research for his doctorate degree. In 1962, Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie( travel) ---------- back to Indonesia for his three month sick leave. During this period, he ( meet) ----------with Hasri Ainun. She (be)---------- the daughter of R. Mohamad Besari. Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie and Hasri Ainun ( be)--------- old friends from his childhood. They ( know) -------- each other since Junior High School and ( go) -------------- to Senior High School together at SMA- Kristen, Bandung. Bachuruddin Jusuf Habibie and Hasri Ainun ( be marry)---------- on May 12th,1962 and ( go) ---------- to germany at the end of May 1962 B. Answer the question based on the text. Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi, West Sumatera, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). He was Indonesia's first Vice President, later also served as the country's prime minister. Known as the 'proclamator', he and a number of Indonesian people including the first President of Indonesia Soekarno, fought for the independence of Indonesia from Dutch. Despite, his efforts to gain Indonesian independence, he studied in the Netherlands from 1921 until 1932. And he was interested in politics since he was at junior high school. Moreover, after his early education, he studied in Dutch Schools in Indonesia. He is more remembered as Bung Hatta (Bung is an affectionate title used to address collegues, popular in the early 1900 and is still used by Indonesians). 1. Why was Mohammad Hatta called Bung Hatta? 2 How old was Bung Hatta when he was interested in politics 3 The first paragraph is about ......... 4. "Known as the proclamator', he ..." (paragraph 1) The underlined word means 5. Mention the orientation of this text ( when,who,where, what) one day, Andrew, an Australian reporter, was driving home from his office. It was a very hot day. The air conditioner was not working, so Andrew wound down his car window to let enough air in his car. When he reached the traffic Lights, they were red. Andrew stopped his car and waited patiently for the lights to turn green. He notice a white van coming from the opposite direction. It also stopped at the traffic lights When the lights turned green, both vehicles started moving. As the van passed Andrew’s car, it suddenly slipped over. The back door of the van sled open and a package of frozen sausages flew out. The package hit Andrew on the nose and broke it. Andrew’s nose was bleeding badly. He was so furious that he yelled at the van driver. Poor Andrew had to stop at a hospital to see a doctor before he went home . 6. where was Andrew driving home from? 7.What happen to Andrew? 8.He was so furious that he yelled at the van driver” what is the meaning of that word? 9.Why did Andrew go to the hospital? 10. Classify this paragraph into the correct the generic structure using the table of analyse!

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